This is the ‘one where we tell you our life story…’
October 1999- I look the same, Andy doesn’t 😉
I, Teri Bell, married Andy Jorasz in October 1999, and our little family was started! I am writing this now as a farm-wife of 20+ years, but I can tell you that back then, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was 20 and Andy was 22, just barely more than kids…
Andy started working for his family on the Jorasz Family Dairy farm (Est 1915) when he was old enough to bottle feed the calves with his grandpa Alex. Farming was (and is) his life and he has always known that it was how he wanted to spend the rest of it. I had an aunt and uncle who owned a dairy farm, but I lived in town, and that was as close to farm life as I had ever been. How hard can it be, right?
I won’t bore you with all the times throughout our marriage that I waited for Andy to come home to a cold supper that I had been crying over for hours. Suffice it to say, the farm-wife lifestyle did not come easy to me. There were times that I truly hated and resented the farm, especially throughout the raising of four kids (still in progress), but I’ve come around. If you know me personally, I know you’re probably remembering a time when I relied on you for a shoulder during some of the more trying times- thank you ❤ You’re likely one of the reasons Andy and I are still married.
This was my first little camping set up in 2009. Small and easy to handle by myself.
Eventually you learn to be more independent, and you learn to appreciate the seasons of farm life. You ‘make hay while the sun shines,’ and that includes your family life too. You learn to appreciate the winter, when there’s no fieldwork to do, and in the summer you find ways to help and also have fun without your farmer. You pull a camper by yourself and take day trips by yourself…
In 2005, the property we now call the Jorasz Family Ranch came up for sale, and we had the opportunity to dive into farm life for ourselves. We partnered with Andy’s dad to buy the farm- we purchased the house, barns and some of the land, and he purchased the remainder of the land to use for the Jorasz Family Dairy crops.
The Jorasz Family Ranch today.
One of our first cow-calf pairs
We dove right in! Fixed fence, cleaned barns, bought horses, dogs, barn cats and a few years later started thinking about livestock of our own. We started with about 17 Red Angus Cattle who’s number has greatly increased now. We really love the Red Angus breed for their docile nature, beautiful coat and cold weather hardiness.
One of our sweet Hereford ladies.
We added hogs a few years ago and narrowed down to the breeds we feel produce superior pork products- Heritage Registered Hereford & Registered Duroc that we pasture raise. There’s just nothing better than heritage pork that’s been raised in the fresh air and sunshine. We also partner with our friends, Todd & Peggy Mosher, in a separate show hog offering called MoJo Show Hogs.
We also have laying hens and have eggs for sale from time to time!
Our farm has grown so much that I now am a work-at-home-mom and my days are filled with barn chores, house chores, bookkeeping, parts running, lunch running, marketing, blogging, social media updating and a couple free-lance jobs for friends on the side. My days are full, my heart is full and I’m so grateful for the farm life we have that now allows me to work alongside my husband.
We’ll be sharing our joys, our struggles and the truth about agriculture today. We’re growing our future and we want to share it with you all!
Left to Rt: Nathan, Andy, Teri, Faith, Brianna & Emily Jorasz