We’re building a community over here and we want you to be part of it!
Why the push now, after being online for the last few years?
Because we have found ourselves mostly communicating with our ranch fans through social media, but you know what? The social media companies control what most you are seeing (or not seeing) from us, unless we PAY for you to see it! They have the right to manipulate an audience like that, after all, they own the platform & audience data (whether or not its ethical…).

You know what else? We own a platform too- this website- www.joraszfamilyranch.com, and we’re not afraid to use it. Plus, we can be much more creative and engaging through a blog post/article than we can be in a short social media post.
Don’t get me wrong, we’ll still share many snippets from our day-to-day on social media (Facebook & Instagram), but you’ll also be getting a more in depth picture from us weekly via a blog post like this one. We’ll be sharing recipes, homestead tips, and stories of our daily life here on the ranch, and much, much more! All you need to do is let us know you’re interested by subscribing.
In addition, we’ve re-vamped our website to make it a little more beautiful and more easily navigated so you can find what you’re looking for. Check it out and let us know what you think! I’ve still got a few finishing touches left, but its up and ready for you all to peruse. We are going to be more intentional about writing going forward, and soon there will be many more resources for you.
So why do we want to build a community?
No man is an island.
We love hearing from all of you. We love knowing that you’re out there and are supporting us. We want to use this website to share with you what we can do with all of you cheering us on!
It takes a village…
author unknown
We couldn’t do this work without the support of our community. Even things just as simple as letting us know when our cow Kookie was in the corn field yesterday, but that’s another story.

In union there is strength.
The more people understand what family farms do, the less effective the haters are- because, ‘the more you know…’ We want to arm you with the truth, and some other handy tools for your homestead too!
No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.
Everything we know, we learned from someone else, be it Andy’s family farm, my family, our friends, The Weston A Price Foundation, the Raw Milk Institute, the Savory Institute, the Herbal Academy, The Prairie Homestead, our customer family (we have some very talented folks that purchase from us). We love learning from many different sources and we want to share what we know to help others!
Many hands make light work.
Because sometimes you just plain-old need help. I was telling Andy the other day, ‘I can keep the house clean, the gardens beautiful, the yard trimmed, the cows milked and the animals fed, I just can’t do it all at the same time.’ That’s why you need community.
None of us is as smart as all of us.
This is a big one. I am not naturally inclined to ask someone else’s opinion or for help. I’m used to being pretty self sufficient, but through life’s humbling ways, I’ve learned that sometimes you just don’t know, you know? Maybe you have some experience with cattle that I haven’t, I would love to hear about it!
Individually we are one drop, together we are the ocean.
This goes back to all the misinformation being spread about farmers. We can turn the tide, but we have to work together.
We (farmers/ranchers) need all of you to know us, and we need to know you! We want to show you what we do, how we do it, why we do it- and also, how you can too!
Maybe you live in an apartment, or in town with a postage stamp yard… there are things you can do to with some old fashioned ranch skills in your part of the world. And we’re part of a community, so you don’t have to do it all either. I’ll milk the cows, then I’ll show you how to make some butter for your family from the cream. Join a local CSA or visit the farmers market in town- and we’ll show you how to can some tomatoes!
We can help each other live a more sufficient life and use this internet thing for some good!
We also need to know what you need from us- this is meant to be dialogue, we want to know your questions and we’ll do our best to address them as we go! Comments will be open on all our posts so we can interact, but if you’d rather reach out to us privately, you can contact us via email as well!
We are looking forward to this journey and we hope you decide to join us! If you are already a subscriber, thank you for being here!!!
What topics would you like us to cover? Let us know!

6 responses to “Where We Become a Ranch Community! 8/28/21”
Hi Teri! Ken and I love your farm! Thanks for all that you do.
We appreciate you too! <3
Ironic that I should see your blog site this morning. I was just thinking about you and your family last night and how it probably is almost time for me to order more products from you. Thank you for providing us with quality meats etc. Please make sure I’m included in your blog. I tried to subscribe but it told me in was “unavailable”. I will continue to be a valued customer of buying locally.
Diane Schabo
Iron Mountain
Oh I’ll have to look into that! I’ll get you subscribed- thank you so much for the kind words and support. 🙂
Sign me up please
We sure will! Thank you Sandy!