We love the winter- it’s when farmers get a break! Don’t get us wrong, there’s still plenty of work to do, but it’s quite a bit less busy. It’s a time when we can put our feet up between morning and night chores, and maybe even get away if we can find help with chores for a couple days.
Andy also works on the Jorasz Family Dairy, and although he doesn’t do the milking unless someone is off, he still cares for the animals at their Schaffer location, helps maintain and repair equipment, works with the vet, and assists with issues that always seem to come up. When he’s done with the morning feeding there, he heads home and takes care of the herds here- then does the same at night. The girls and I take care of the chickens and the farrowing barn though, leaving the horses, cattle, and other hog barn for Andy, because hey- someone has to clean the house and make dinner too. There’s always enough to keep us all busy, and it’s hard to imagine that in a few short weeks we’ll be adding planting to this routine!

As I sit here, there’s another Winter Weather Advisory looming for tomorrow. Also, tomorrow, the seasonal load restrictions are put into effect for our county roads. A sign that spring is on its way, but that winter isn’t quite ready to let go just yet!
Our next exciting adventure, just ahead of planting, will be the 60th Annual WPS Farm Show in Oshkosh Wisconsin. Yes, we spend a day or two of our spring break each year wandering the EAA grounds looking at all of the latest and greatest in farming technology, and yes, the kids really do enjoy it! Let me tell you, it gets a lot more complicated than dropping a seed in the ground and waiting for it to grow. ? We’ll be sure to share some of the highlight reel with you all right here!
As the days get longer, we are soaking up the last of our ‘down’ time here. We’re also preparing to sell piglets under our MoJo Show Hogs brand, making plans for our vegetable gardens, getting equipment ready for planting, barns ready for farrowing, planning our daughter’s June wedding, and a couple more surprises we can’t wait to share! It’s going to be a busy year so stay tuned and stay warm my friends!
Genesis 8:22
“While the earth remains, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”