The Creamery

Michigan Raw Milk A2A2 Dairy Herd Shares

Farmers are prevented from marketing and selling their raw milk from their farm. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get real, raw, from the cow, farm fresh milk.  The simple solution is to own a share of the cow, thus the milk belongs to you!

Real, raw milk is unprocessed, just as it comes from the cow.  It is not pasteurized, which kills the good bacteria which help you digest it along with any bad bacteria.  It also is not homogenized, which profoundly changes the structure of the milk molecules so the cream won’t separate from the milk.  Both processes render the milk more difficult for your body to process.  Many people find they can enjoy raw milk, while their “lactose intolerance” proves to be a homogenization and pasteurization intolerance.  During processing, the fat soluble vitamins the cows glean from the grass and sunshine are destroyed, requiring bottlers to add them back in (“vitamin A and D fortified”).  Whole raw milk contains all the vitamins and minerals the cows stashed in there in perfect balance and perfectly bio available to your body, without irritating your immune system with the structural changes homogenization (in particular) imposes on this fabulous food.

Photo credit to Organic Pastures

The ‘Mostly’ Grass-fed Difference

The milk share herd is rotationally grazed on grass for as long as the Michigan seasons permit, and enjoy the hay harvested from our sister farm in the cold months.  Milk that comes from grass-fed cows is much higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), vitamins A and E, and beta carotene, especially in summer when they are eating fresh grass instead of hay. Our herd is not 100% grass-fed, they are also given a ration of grains with each milking to maintain body condition, milk supply and fat content.

What are the benefits of owning a cow share? 

You will have access to the farm fresh, real, raw whole milk, that will nourish you and your family.  Each share of the herd entitles you to one gallon per week, half and multiple shares are available as well. The milk will be available here on the farm for pick up on your specified day, weekly.

If you would like to sign up, please reach out to us via the ‘Contact Us’ form below to confirm availability.

What is A2-A2 Milk?

Our cattle will be selectively bred for the A2 protein, which is said to be easier to digest.  This protein is common in more heritage dairy cow breeds as opposed to the A1 protein that is most common in conventional farm milk. Our cattle are A2A2 tested, registered Brown Swiss.

You may have already heard of milk from A2-A2 cows, it’s quickly becoming a leading innovation in the industry. A2-A2 milk refers to milk that only contains one type of protein:  A2 beta-casein. Most milk that you purchase in a store contains both the A1 and A2 beta-casein, but research studies have shown evidence that our bodies may digest the two different types of protein differently. In these studies, people who have experienced adverse gastrointestinal effects of milk consumption, which resemble those in lactose intolerance, were able to drink milk with two A2 proteins with no adverse reactions.

Why Brown Swiss?

  • Close protein/fat ratio – Brown Swiss milk possesses the closest protein/fat ratio of any dairy breed.
  • Feet and legs – Properly structured legs allies to strong, hard, black, well formed feet, that mean Brown Swiss cattle have few problems. No doubt this is one of the key qualities that enable many Brown Swiss to continue producing in the herd until they are 12-15 years of age.
  • Quiet Temperament – Dairymen, whom have worked with a variety of breeds are completely unanimous in their praise of the docile temperament and inquisitive nature of these quiet cattle.
  • Longevity – The characteristic longevity of the breed is very evident in the Brown Swiss. While the breed tends to be later maturing than other breeds, cows tend to reach their peak in 5th or later lactations. Some breeds find it difficult to reach this stage, while the strength of the Brown Swiss allows them to lead long productive lives.
  • Strength & Hybrid Vigour – Brown Swiss cows are cattle of great substance and strength. The experience of having cows ‘go down’ with metabolic problems or any other reason is rare amongst Brown Swiss owners.
  • And because Teri thinks they are pretty. ?

Is Raw Milk Safe?

It’s a question many people have. We want to make sure you understand the priority we will put on the quality and safety of our herd share owners’ milk.

Real milk that has been produced in sanitary, humane conditions is a safe and healthy whole food.  We have recently been LISTED as a safe raw milk dairy at the Raw Milk Institute!!! This means that we have gone through a rigorous audit of our milk collection and bottling procedures and have exceeded their standards for the safe production of raw milk for human consumption. We are only one of two LISTED raw milk dairies in Michigan, and one of 19 in the Nation & Canada as of this writing!

To learn more about raw milk safety and the many health benefits, please visit RealMilk.

So how will it work?

You will need to become a Herd Share Owner. Raw milk cannot be sold or purchased in the state of Michigan.

In our herd share operation, owners pay the farmer (Teri) a fee for boarding their share of the herd, caring for the herd, and milking the herd. The herd share owner then obtains the raw milk from his or her share of the herd.

Fresh cream from our cream separator.

For each herd share purchased, you have access to one gallon of milk each week. You can also own half shares (1/2 gallon a week), or multiple shares (1+ gallons a week).

You pick up your fresh milk weekly at our farm OR drop site, and we will provide the containers- they are free to use.

Use the questionnaire link below to contact us and find out more about how you can be part of our herd share family!

Information on Raw Milk: